There are a number of protocols that have been implemented which change the way we see patients at our office. These measures are in place to mitigate any risks to staff and patients given that dentistry is such a close contact setting. The following are some of the strategies implemented:
-staff pre screening prior to work and continuous masking
-pre screen patients for symptoms and risk factors
-maintain physical distancing where possible
-patients present to the office wearing a mask
-hand sanitizer available to our patients-removed all common contact items (ex. magazines etc) from our waiting areas
-reduced patient appointment overlap, so that patients need not wait in common areas and can be seated in the dental chair immediately
-sanitize all common contact areas between each patient interaction (payment machines, counters, handles, restrooms etc)
-we ask that you only present with children if they have an appointment; we ask that you have strict control over your child and their activities, contact and movement within our facility.
-we may recommend deferring certain procedures
If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call and we'll be happy to answer them for you.